Tuesday, 31 March 2015



You are what you eat. This saying is even more true when it comes to your skin. To get that gorgeous glow you have always dreamed of, you must keep your skin happy internally and externally.

1. Eat Avocados
Avocados are rich in vitamin E, an important antioxidant that helps to handle those oxidised fats that can age your cells. It can also reduce the damage that UVA and UVB rays cause on the skin. Furthermore, avocados contain healthy monounsaturated fats, thereby maintaining vital hydration for your epidermis.  It contains omega-9 fats, like oleic acid, these actives also help to regenerate damaged skin cells while reducing facial redness and irritation. Eating those amazing avocados or drinking avocado juice every day will bless your skin with a healthy glow.

2 Berries are exceptional for you
Berries give your skin quite a positive boost as well. In fact, the blueberries have been ranked as number 1 by the United States Department of Agriculture in antioxidant activity. Make sure you eat those blueberries and raspberries daily

3. Drink Water with Lemon
when you drink less than 8 glasses of water a day, your body can get dehydrated, resulting in drier and duller skin. For best hydration, drink 10-12 glasses a day.  Add lemon and get an extra vitamin C boost, thereby adding to your nutrition needs! Vitamin C is vital for synthesis of collagen, which is an important structural protein of the body. It also protects your skin from the sun. Its antioxidant effects are well-known in dermatology for protecting you from free radical damage.

4 Eat nuts
Eat walnuts. This power food contains omega-3 fatty acids, an extremely important lipid that is essential to maintain the skin moisture and keep it supple. And, as an added benefit, the omega-3 fatty acids are great for your heart’s health and have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer.

A handful of nuts every day are perfect to get enormous benefits, that too without having to worry about the extra calories.

#5. A Chocolate a Day
So, finally eating chocolate can also be a good thing! Chocolate contains flavonoid, which is a super active antioxidant. Not only will it help to slow down the ageing process, it may also be effective at counteracting some of the negative effects of the UV rays

These 5 nutritious foods are best for you if you want give your skin and body that shiny radiant beauty boost that it needs. So, eat up and enjoy a naturally glowing skin!

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Hey people! I appreciate everyone of you. I have gotten a lot queries on why I stopped every waking moment. I have not stopped. I am still writing it and will be posting this week. But for the mean time let's gather up our friends, colleagues and families both those on social media to read with us

Thank you Chioma

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