The first quarter of the year is almost gone, we are in its last month.
For those of us who made resolutions how is it going?
I know by now you are either getting used to your new life style, or struggling not to quit or you have abandoned the effort altogether.
No matter which of this scenario best fits your situation, here are tips to help you suceed.
1. Will power : why most of us break our resolution the first week or of the new year or later on is because we don't have the will or the power to endure. Before we make a resolution we must ask ourselves why, why we so need to stop the habit, achieve the goal. Why is it important. We must give ourselves some incentive to motivate us. Like I am going to eat less exercise more so I can loose weight. The incentive could be because I want to be slim bride or I want to be able attract the kind of man I want.
2. One at a time: we fail most times because we make too many resolutions. Pick one thing and start with it. Pick the most important to you and start.
3. Make it simple : no matter how hard the habit is to break, you can achieve it if you make it simple. Instead of saying I will quit smoking by 2015, you can say I will smoke one stick a day or I will never buy a pack of cigarette to store again. This way before you know it you will quit entirely
4. Good mood: quiting a habit can put you in a bad or irritated mood, and if this is not fought off you will break your resolution so to feel better. People eat more, drink more, smoke more when they in a bad mood or stressed out. So read books, watch your favorite shows, hangout with friends when you are less busy. Be careful of the places you go to hang out.
5. Don't beat up yourself: even if you fail. Don't beat up yourself and quit trying altogether. Instead look how long you have held out. The days, weeks or months you held on strong. Pat yourself in the back, pick yourself up and try again.
7 mind eye: create a picture of your end result in your mind and paste it there, dream about it, think about it, etc. Or if you are trying to loose weight for instance, paste a picture of your dream self where you can see it often to motivate you. It could be on the fridge so when the craving comes, the thing you will see first is the picture before you sneak out a cookie.
8. Know your limit: know your limit. Don't over task your self. If you are trying to loose weight, don't starve or over do the exercise. If you do, you will get tired and irritated easily. You will start dreading gym. Easy does it.
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