Hello everyone!
I trust you had a great week? I know, I know, it was tough, or good or happy or even successful but one thing I am sure about is it wasn't easy. Yeah it wasn't easy but here we are grateful to our Heavenly Father that we are safely at the weekend to rejuvenate and get ready for another week so we can try again because we can't give up neither can we give in.
Much like life, this life is not easy, not even the wealthiest man on earth can say that. I mean if we look around us the evidence is clear. We can only go on living and striving to be better versions of ourselves no matter how tough or how sad the journey might be.
This is pretty much how my life has been. Right from a young age, I have always been a dreamer. I would sit and gaze at nothing but space yet I am seeing a another world of happiness and love, where easy really does exist and this would help me get through my day no matter how challenging it is.
Maybe that is why I am writer, and from my genre of writing you could tell that really a lot of my time was spent day dreaming. And when I am not daydreaming of tall, dark and handsome heroes and the women who love them, you would find me observing. Observing the world and every thing that makes it up. the rising and setting of the sun, the wind, the cloud when they are dark and brooding angrily warning about a coming rain with winds that would bend trees and swirl dusts. Most times scenes and occurrences in nature like these are all I need to conjure up a powerful love story
You would find me at night looking at the stars and moon and imagining that I am somewhere in Caribbeans, the dwarf palm trees in our compound would become coconut trees in my head and the red sand turns to white and there I am sitting at the beach and most times with a handsome stranger looking at me with so much intensity and the power of his elemental gaze would spark a flame in my heart and we would spend our Caribbean night talking the night away like we have known each other for a thousand years.
And If I doing none of those, I would be with my grandmothers. I remember my grandmothers, they both lived over a hundred years old. I sat at their feet each chance I got and quizzed them about their lives growing up before the white men came. Though they were mildly curious at my interest but they were only too happy to oblige me. Learning about their time, their social life, the men they loved, their traditions, religion, beliefs and how strong they had to be in a world that subdued women made me want to tell their stories.
Oh how I love period stories, I have written a few of them and have few synopsis of more I wish to write soon. One of those stories just came to my mind now. I titled it Ebubedike Son of Thunder. I wrote it when I was between fourteen and sixteen. That story is going to change our notion of our land before colonization forever. This story will be out next year. You would love it, It is about a demi god who comes to save his people from tyranny. and oh it is a romance too. I don't think I would ever write anything that does not tell a powerful love story.
I believe in love event though it is yet to happen to me. Sometimes I think it is because I have created so much fantasy that I expect it to be my reality. Maybe I am waiting for one of the heroes in my stories to become my reality. I should do better because I create this fantastic world to get away from the harsh realities of my life not that it is my life, NOTE TO SELF.
The truth is no matter how much I daydream or create a fantasy world, I know who I am, I know what I want and I would get it. Yeah the road map to getting all that I want may not always be clear, may most times be filled with so much bumps and road blocks and even dead ends yet I won't give up, I would stay on that road trudging on till I get to my destination.
My name is Chioma Onuoha, I am an author, TV personality and entrepreneur. All my life I have been driven with this ferocious need and a powerful force to tell stories, to tell the African story especially about the continent before the white men came.
I began story telling as far back as I can remember, I would gather my numerous siblings together and tell them fairy tales of love and romance made up on the go. One would ask why did she start so late to explore what obviously have been her calling on this earth? It's simple, distractions and fear. I feared Nigerians would not read because we don't really have a reading culture. And I became distracted with what was lucrative at the time, screenplays.
Over the years I have delved into screenplays and have written block buster movies and TV series some of which were nominated for awards both locally and internationally. Then I started my own media and entertainment content production, sales and marketing company Amber Falls Production. I produce and host my premium TV talk show magazine Amber World. I also produce a lifestyle content AMBER VOGUE.
Even with these achievements, I still feel incomplete not just because I promised my grandmothers that their voices will be heard, their morals emulated and heroism known through the stories I would tell but because I yearned and still yearn deeply to go back to my first love and passion which is writing novels about exceptional heroes and the heroines who love them.
So please, read my novels, they come from somewhere deep inside me. When I write, words cannot describe on what dimension I am. I become another person, like this power over takes me and my heroes and heroines play out their story and all I need to do is watch and write down their antics.
My fear was that Nigerians would not read, because first of all I write our story, the Nigerian story. So if the people whose story I tell, the people I write for first do not read, how can I convince the rest of the world to do so.
I am pleading with you today to support me and click the links below to read my books.
I hope my story would touch you to become more optimistic, more hopeful, less afraid and more determined to go out there next week and try again, work towards achieving your goals.
Have the most beautiful and profitable week

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