Sunday, 4 October 2015





She froze with horror! Oh! Please this can’t be happening, what was she going to do? Run, run, her mind screamed at her. It echoed all around her. She could hear her mind screaming the same words to her some other time when she faced another man what seemed like two life times ago, the masked man in her dream. Slowly she turned to face him and the look she saw frightened her. She was not seeing Chuck but was relieving as if in a blind fold a horror that had remained blank in her mind. The man moved and she panicked and she made a sudden mad dash for the door but Chuck was anticipating that exact move and he was on her before she could open the door but to his surprise the girl started fighting with all her power to escape him. He restrained her as best as he could but she proved to be quite strong for the slender girl that she was. In her struggle the two of them fell to the ground. Chuck found himself landing on top of the girl and she winced loudly with pain because of the impact of his weight. She quit struggling
“You are crushing me you moron”
Chuck couldn’t believe it, the girl had the audacity to speak let alone call him names. She tried to struggle again
“It won’t do you any good” he told her “I am not letting you up till you tell me who you are and what you are doing here?”
She was breathing hard, trying to catch her breath before she tried explaining but it was difficult to draw a breath let alone speak, the guy was resting his whole weight on her…but somehow it felt nice to have his hard body pressing down her. How many times had she dreamed of this?
"Answer me!”
“First of all” she began “you are killing me and I have not mastered the act of staying in this kind of provocative situation with man while I tried to explain myself to him”
Chuck then noticed their position. He was lying fully on top of her and she was really too small and very soft. He felt a stirring in his loins which quite surprised him. He looked at her face. She had very beautiful lips, quivering and begging to be kissed. Without thinking he swooped down and stole her lips in a kiss.
At first she was too stunned to react, her first instinct was to protest and she opened her mouth to do exactly but that was exactly was Chuck was waiting for. As he deepened the kiss, Helen felt her control slipping away and she held on to him.
Chuck knew the exact moment he won the battle, so he relaxed the hold he had on her lifted her.
Helen didn’t notice when he lifted her. So lost was she in the soul searing kiss. But when her back touched something soft and when she felt his hands searching for her zipper, reality returned. What was she doing?
“Where is the zipper?” chuck asked huskily
“Get off me! What are you doing?"
Her words didn’t register at first so he bent to kiss her some more. He had never felt like this before with any woman. But she turned her face away
“Is this how you treat all who come to steal from you or is it just me?”
He stopped immediately and gave her the full impact of his green eyes.
“Well not all who come to steal from me are this hot and begging for it”
“I am begging for nothing except that you get off me so I can draw a good breath”
It hit him all over again how small she was against his body and how well she fit in there. But he must be crushing her as well. So he shifted his weight a little. And exhaled, what just happened, he asked himself. The girl was a thief for crying out loud…she came to steal from him and all he could think was tossing her skirts over her head and making mindless love to her? Disgusted with himself and got up from bed and walked round to face her.
She stared at him and dropped her eyes unfortunately they landed on the unbuttoned  jeans and she wondered if she had done that in frenzy to to…she couldn’t even say what possessed her to jump Chuck Obi the way she did. Now he must think she was a thief and worst a whore too. She shuddered again and wondered if it was still possible to escape.
Chuck followed her eyes to the door
“Don’t even think about it, or this time around we might not stop at just a few kisses”
“Why did you kiss me?” she didn’t know who was more shocked at her words where did that come from. She asked herself, calling herself all kinds of fool.
Good question Chuck thought but irrelevant at the moment. In his saner moment he could ask himself that
“Don’t play smart because I am the one asking the questions, how did you get in here?”
“Through the gates”
“You expect me to believe that the security allowed you in without my permission”
“No they didn’t but your brother allowed me”
“Why would he do that?”
She shrugged “I guess you should ask him”
“So who are you and what do you want to steal from me?”
“I assure you I am not a thief and it is your fault that I am here looking through your things”
Incredulous, he couldn’t believe it, “So how is it my fault that you sneak into my house and go through my things”
“Well you don’t recognize me, we have met severally and this is not the first time you are stealing a kiss from me. The first time I left something behind, I came to get it.
His eyes dropped to her lips again.
“Who are you?”
She stood up “Helen Nma’s co designer” she smiled as recognition hit him at last.
“Mousy Helen?”
She was shocked at the nick name and hurt. It hurt so much that he called her that; she wanted to hurl herself at him. But then she felt a kind of confidence that was foreign to her
“Mousy must be to your liking then honey because you keep stealing kisses from me, and I know I should be flattered that Chuck Obi is having some kind of romantic affair with my lips but the fact that he kisses anything in skirt takes the romance out of it”
Chuck was shocked speechless for the first time in his life, he could only stare at her
“I came for my purse; I shall need it this evening for Nma’s son’s party”
Chuck chuckled and went to a drawer and brought out the purse.
Helen became a little disappointed, just like that; he was going to hand the purse over just like that. But wasn’t that what she wanted, she asked herself. No she answered herself she wanted more, but she couldn’t put her finger on what exactly is more.
“Here you go” he handed her the purse but took it back as she was about to take it from him.
“It seems as if you have gone through so much trouble to get this purse or is it to get kissed. I think you enjoy the fact that I steal kisses from you” he gave her that bone melting smile of his, his green eyes flashing mischievously.
What are you talking about? She asked hesitantly
“I think it is only fair you get all that you came here for today”
Helen began to shiver but she didn’t know if it was from fear or excitement.
“I only came to get my purse and I thought I could look for it myself instead of waking you”
“You are not a good liar”
He came to stand very close to her, she backed away and he followed, she continued to back away till her back touched the wall and her breath quickened when she saw the intense way he was staring at her.
“Ever since I stole that first kiss, you have not forgotten it, part of you came here today hoping I would kiss you again” he smiled when he saw her swallow
“Am I right” he asked and rubbed her lips with his thumb
Helen couldn’t have denied it if her life depended on it.
“Am I right because if you don’t answer I will not grant you your wish, I may have stolen two kisses from you before but I am yet to kiss you the way I kiss my women? So what is it going to be?”
The thought of him not kissing her was unbearable. Helen wasn’t thinking straight, all she wanted was to be held in his hands and she couldn’t remember a time she didn’t want that very thing since she saw him on television.
He kissed her eyes, her fore head, the side of her mouth, she turned her face to his lips, and he evaded her
“I need to hear the words first”
“Kiss me please”
And he kissed her, crushed her against the wall with his full weight. She clung to him because it felt like all her bone had melted. She felt like she was floating through galaxies bursting with lights and magic. She held on and tried to get closer to him as much as she could.
What started as punishment for her changed and he couldn’t tell who was punishing who? He wanted more than this kiss; he wanted this woman more than he wanted to breathe. He had never wanted like this ever in his life, not from any woman he had known. Yet in her hands he felt like he depended on her for breath. He wanted her forever; somehow the thought brought him back to life. He wrenched his lips from hers. They both stared at each other, breathing heavily.
Wordlessly he handed her purse and turned away from her. Helen looked at the purse and shame washed all over her. What possessed her to act like a cheap hussy? She wanted to say something; she wondered what was going through his mind. What would he think of her?
“I…I” she didn’t know what to say or what she wanted to happen
“You should leave, unless you want to spend the whole day on my bed” he turned to look at her then, smiling coyly all traces of passion gone “As much as I would like that, I have other things to do that are far more enjoyable”
Helen was shocked as shame washed over her anew. Without another word, she turned and left. Chuck sat down and closed him eyes, he wondered what was wrong with him? Who could have known that mousy Helen was this soft and yielding and giving, that she could make a man mindless with lust? He chuckled and that exact moment he remembered how she got in…he grabbed a shirt and went to see his fool of a brother.

If this is your first time of reading this story, catch up on chapter one and two by searching for them on the blog. Or read the first story of this series WHEN THE HEART KNOWS By searching for it.
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Yours Ever


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