Nma woke up; she stared at the brightness outside, she felt so
restful and at peace. It’s been a long time she had this blissful and dreamless
sleep. She stretched and was startled as she bumped into something. She picked
her phone and wondered what it was doing on the bed. Then immediately the
recollection of what happened last night started rushing back into her mind.
Uche had called her last night to talk her into sleep she recalled, and such
wonderful things he had said to her, she smiled dreamily, sitting up and
hugging her knee. He was a man every girl would love to fall in love with.
Rich, tall, dark and handsome, he also knew how to woo his women. Though he didn’t strike her as the endearment
and flower man, that would soften his hard nature but he had his own way.
Nma laughed at her own stupid thought, and then she glanced at
her watch and was surprised it has gone past twelve. Suddenly she stopped as
she realized what she had been doing. She was immediately calling herself all
sorts of fool.
How could she be having romantic thoughts about a man who acted
like he was a cave man? Uche Okoha was not her match. The man thought that all
women were his for taking. He had forced
kisses from her. He had ignored her when he wished and sort for her whole attention
when it suited him. Surely that kind of a man could only represent trouble. She
looked at the picture of Amber the owner of foot and body talk, would she turn
tails at the advances of a man like Uche, she wondered. No she thought, Amber
has been known to date the finest world class men so Uche would be a piece of
cake for her.
There was no need wasting precious time on him, she thought, she
wasn’t going to see him ever again. The man was trouble simple and short.
She glanced at her wall clock, exclaimed and jumped out of her
bed for a quick shower, after her shower she wore a black jean short and floral
blouse, left her face bare of makeup and started towards her studio. She
stopped first in her kitchen and made herself a cold cereal. She looked around
her kitchen and at the empty pot and cupboards. “I need to go shopping” she
muttered, and she also needed to cook. After feeding herself she went into her
studio to do what she knew how to do best.
Uche had been reading since the early hours of the morning,
trying to read a report. He slept very late after accepting that he was not
going to understand what the report was talking about. He dressed slowly,
Saturdays were his worst days. He usually went in to the office after spending
about one hour in his gym, this daily routine had helped keep him fit, but
today was different; all he wanted was a quick swim. He remembered Star and her
mission. Now that he was thinking clearly again, he began to worry about the
stirrings in the Niger Delta and what it could do to his business. He hoped the
government would do something soon but it seemed as if everyone was waiting for
the worst to happen. Things were different now, because the youths were now
beginning to attack indigenous companies like his. He was going to speak to
those at the hem of things, starting with the president. Though he hated that
he was going to do it but he was not going to lose a penny over there their
negligence. He picked up his phone and punched the number of one his
assistants. He didn’t really need an
appointment to see the president, didn’t meddle with politics but as a business
man, it was good business move to ensure that favorable policies were put in
place. It was easy for him to call his secretary to help get hold of the president
or book an appointment because Mr. President’s campaign money came from the
Okohas. Just as he was finishing the call, a slight noise sounded at his door
and his house keeper’s very shy daughter came, bearing his freshly squeezed
orange juice. He told her to place on the table. And turned back to his phone,
he watched as the girl left the room. He knew what was wrong with the girl; she
was suffering a mighty crush on him. This wasn’t new to him; his last gate man
daughter sneaked into his bed once, the saving grace was that he was not
sleeping at all when she sneaked in. He had fired the man the next day. A man
on the public eye cannot be too careful. He wondered why the cook always sent
her daughter to his room first thing in the morning. He made a mental note to
speak to her about it. Was she so blind that she couldn’t see the predicament
her daughter was facing? That made him remember his mother, his mother would
never have sent his sister on this kind of errand. Mothers these days were too
careless. He smiled ruefully as a thought occurred to him. Could the silly
house keeper be stupid enough to think that he might fancy her daughter? He
shook his head and walked over to the table to take sip of the juice. Did she
think he was such an ogre that he would fancy a teenager? She knew the kind of
women he preferred. He preferred matured and classy women who knew what they
wanted and who could take care of themselves. A woman like Nma, a woman who
understood the game men and women played. With his will power he blocked her
out his mind and pulled a T-shirt on and left the room. Today he was not going
to think about her.
Down stairs, just as he was coming down, the house keeper was
opening the door for someone. He stopped waiting to see who was being allowed
into his house without him being informed. At the back of his mind, he prayed
it was not Angela. Then he began to smile when he heard the British accent.
Moments later he entered, one of his best friend. Chucks was six feet four,
international footballer, born to a Nigerian mother and American father, at
least that was what he told everyone. The guy was handsome as the devil and
knew it. He was almost as rich as Uche because he had invested wisely by
allowing Uche to take care of his fortune while he played ball.
“I hope Uju is not here?” he asked in mock fear as he came
forward to hug his friend
“You are safe” Uche laughed. “She should be waking up now beside
Charles” they didn’t laugh at that because Eva was like sister to him too and
he had felt betrayed too when they found out that Charles was taking more than
sisterly interest.
“What are you doing back home, I thought you are playing next
“Nation cup qualifier, we playing Cote d’ Voire and you know we
have a score to settle”
“I forgot, so you should be in camp”
He laughed “yes tomorrow morning, I need to see my guys first.
Eva thought I could make it to her party but you know how it is”
“Where’s Stanley?”
“In his house I know, probably fornicating with my front desk
“So how come you are the only waking up alone, or is Angela
still lounging in bed?
“You couldn’t be more wrong, I am changed man”
They laughed and moved on.
“I called Stanley, he would be here soon”
Uche stopped, “oh!”
“I thought we should sweat it on the pitch, you guys are growing
fat sitting around and doing nothing but making billions everyday”
Uche laughed “Why sweat for ninety minutes for billions when I
can make them easily sitting behind my desk”
“My sentiments exactly” a voice replied from the door. They
turned to see Stanley, he is about six feet two, broadly built and so handsome
that it made most girls cry. If Charles was here then they would have been
complete. The world saw them as filthy rich young men who do nothing but play
girls, had they not dubbed them the notorious four. The four of them together
were dangerous, or so Uche’s mother thought. She had watched countless girls
make fools of themselves over men who were just having a good time. Today
Charles was not with them and no one thought of calling him because they have
not totally forgiven him. The four of them had grown up together and Eva was a
baby sister they never had, so it was rude shock for them to discover that he
was having not so sisterly relationship with her.
“I hope they don’t suspend you for not going straight to camp”
“Camp doesn’t start till tomorrow morning moron” chuck said as
the three of them strolled outside to show Chuck some few trick in football.
Much later the three of them are lounging together at the pool
side. “The idle world of the rich” Chucks murmured
“After the kind of week I had, I deserve this” Stanley said
“No one is complaining. I heard you are sleeping with front desk
girl now Stanley”
I have always preferred them to those high class girls you two
are forever dating. At least I can expect her to give me some good home cooked
meals and she has time for me.”
“Why do you need her to cook, did your cook quit?” Uche asked
“I am a man and I need a woman not someone who would be worrying
about her finger nails or running to America for some crazy idea or worst
someone who is involved in a multi million merger and has no time for me. Like
50 cent I am tired of browsing technology”
“Be careful man once a man starts reasoning like, it becomes
easy for one woman to trap him into…”
“Marriage” Uche chorused and they made a shuddering sound at the
“I have come to realize that those who fear marriage the most
are the ones who get shackled quickly and easily” Stanley replied.
“Uche, how is Star, now that is the kind of girl a man who wants
to stay unshackled should be thinking of”
“Away in Port Harcourt on business”
“My luck” said Chucks and looked at Uche “So are you still with
“I was never with her” he smiled as he remembered Nma
“You should have seen the goddess he brought to the party last
night; I kept asking myself why I didn’t see her before him”
“Someone I know?”
“Never” they laughed.
“Will I be meeting her before I leave?”
Uche laughed, “She is mine bro, so wipe that smug look from your
They laughed and his phone rang. Chucks chuckled
Chuck laughed and got up “how come you two are messing around
with new girls and I don’t get to meet them, don’t tell me you don’t trust
“No girl can be trusted to behave herself” laughed Stanley, “Not
with you around” and gave him a push into the pool
“We should go out tonight, there is this new place that just
opened and everybody is talking about it” A friend said and Nma turned” “count
me out” she asked.
“You never go out Nma, so you wouldn’t know but I heard the
place is the bomb”
Nma paid little attention to her friends’ idle chatter. They
were young, rich and silly. And they did nothing but spend their father’s
money. She had come to know most of them as they come into her shop and like
always they made friends with her. She was not the going out kind though she
had gone to some events because she deemed them necessary. But just going to a
joint because of the fun of it was foreign to her
“Say you will come with us Nma” She heard one her friends say.
She turned to give an apologetic smile.
“Nma come on say you’ll go, you’ll enjoy it. You’ll meet lots of
interesting personalities” it was at the tip of her mouth to say no once more
but suddenly she thought against it. She worked too hard, and she deserved a
break, she deserved to live and feel even if it was for one night like a
carefree twenty six just like her friends. And possibly this was the
distraction she needed to avoid thinking about Uche. The stupid man had ignored
her again. He hadn’t called her since the mid night call. She was so scared he wouldn't call her any longer. She knew
she didn't behave very well but, suddenly she stopped, catching hold of her
thoughts. She couldn’t believe it, what was wrong with her, how could she be
harboring such thoughts about Uche Okoha. It shouldn’t matter to her whether he
called or not. The truth was she should be glad that he had chosen to end his
pursuit of her. Had she not been looking for ways to put an end to the madness
that was him? Feeling stupid she turned
to her friends. How could she be missing a brute cave man like Uche Okoha?
Hanging out with her friends was all she needed to put him off her mind.
“Okay I’ll go” she agreed.
Arrangements were made; they would be going in two cars that
meant she would be leaving her car behind.
With her friends gone to prepare for the evening ahead, she went
back to her studio to continue with her work. As usual her work relaxed her. It
was hours later that she stood up because she had remembered the evening ahead.
Pleased with her progress, she left to find something to eat and later to find
something to wear. Knowing her friends, they would all appear in skimpy
clothes. She could never bring herself to wear something that left nothing to
be imagined. After much confusion in making up her mind, she settled for a
black body con gown that clung to her perfect curves. She looked at herself in
the mirror, she wasn't impressed. The dress was too plain. She thought of what
to do, she then draped a gold chain belt on her hip. She decided against any
necklace, she only clasped her wrists with a big gold bangle, slipped her feet
into a black high heels sandals and let her golden braids down. With little
make up, more of eye shadow, she took her black clutch bag; she nearly grabbed
her car keys before she remembered her friends were picking her up. As if on
cue, her door bell rang and she left the bedroom.
Like she imagined, they were in their usual flimsy excuse for
clothes. She smiled when she remembered they were twenty six and rich without a
care in the world. They were not like her who was constantly faced with the
weight of keeping her business alive.
The notorious three arrived in three different and very
expensive jeeps. Uche was the first one to step out in blue jeans and cream
colored blazers, while Chuck wore jeans and a T shirt which did nothing to hide
his bulging chest. Stanley was the last to come in jeans and a fitted shirt. As
they entered the room, all eyes were trained on them but they walked quietly to
a table. “There is nothing terrific about this place” Uche commented looking
“It is new that’s what makes it terrific” Stanley said and
winked at one of the girls sitting on the table beside them.
“I thought you said you are tired of browsing technology” Chucks
“One can’t help it in the twenty first century” he replied
Before now the patron of the place had recognized the trio and
he is commanding the waiters to attend to them specially.
“I am getting bored already” Uche said dryly
“How can you possibly be bored with all these girls around?”
But only Uche knew how that was possible, but he refused to
admit it because somehow he was scared. He was fast losing interest in things
he used to enjoy all because of one woman and her lack of presence. He was
grateful to his friends because their presence took his mind off Nma for the
rest of the day. He wondered if he would have sought her out if his friends
hadn’t shown up.
“Hey, what are you thinking about, you are missing all the fun”
chuck waved his hands in front of him.
Uche wondered what it was he was calling fun. As they were
exchanging idle chatter and checking the place out, Nma and her friends
entered. Nma took one look at the smoke filled room and knew immediately that
she had made a mistake. But her friends seemed to get more excited by the loud
music and smell of smoke. But she was already here and there was no way she
would turn back without appearing like fool before her friends.
Chucks was the first to see her and kept quiet for a time as if
to make sure she wasn’t a figment of his imagination.
“Is she real?” he asked no one in particular. The others turned
and he saw her. Uche’s breath caught in his throat. Uche had always known she
was very beautiful but tonight she looked like something from the glossy pages.
“Do you know her, does anyone know her?” Chuck asked with excitement.
Uche laughed as he heard Chucks, slowly he stood up and Chucks
looked at him.
“You remembered I said something about a goddess?” Stanley asked
and Chuck nodded then he met Stanley eyes as understanding dawned on him.
“No! No! Don’t tell me she is the goddess he brought…”
Stanley began to laugh
“Why are all the good ones taken all the time, she is extra
Nma saw him approaching her and all her thought cleared from her
mind, her breath caught in throat as she took in every part of him. She thought
he looked good in suit but now he looked sexy and very handsome. The blazer
fitted his broad shoulders squarely and his silk blue shirt was opened at the
neck, giving a view of his tantalizing body. The shirt was not tucked in and
yet it didn't hide his very lean waist or the long strong legs beneath the
jeans. She couldn't look away. She could only watch helplessly as excitement
began to sip into her body. She wasn't aware of the excitement his approach had caused among her friends. They all speculated who he was coming for.
“Oh my God, he is heading this way” one of her friends exclaimed
and adjusted her position
“I think he is heading right to our table”
That caused another round of excitement. Nma watched all them
with growing annoyance; no wonder the guy was so conceited. Maybe she should
just put them out of their misery by telling them he was coming for her. Maybe
she should have told them of her date with him, that would have saved the kind
of animosity she was sure might develop later. Girls are very petty and
something as simple as this could develop from petty jealousy to life battle.
But then whatever animosity that would result from this was not her problem
now, her problem was approaching her table with a knowing glint in his eyes.
Nma wanted to run but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She took a deep
breath and swallowed hard, trying to think of what to say to him but she found
her mind blank and bereft of all coherent thought. It was by miracle she was
able to answer him when he said hello. Her friends turned surprised when they
realized that he was referring to Nma.
“What a surprise, I didn't know you came to places like this” he
could have kicked himself, what type of stupidity was wrong with him. What sort
of thing was that to say to a lady?
“The same goes for you Uche, I just heard about the place and
decided to check it out”
She smiled at him.
“I hope you wouldn't mind joining my table”
Nma smiled sweetly at him because she had the perfect excuse for
turning him down
“I would have loved to but I am with my friends, it would be
totally rude”
Uche regarded her friends. “But I wasn't suggesting you leave
them, the invitation is for all of you. My table is not particularly empty”
Nma panicked the instant she saw the footballer sitting on his
table and she knew her friends would definitely agree. Nma looked at Uche with anger, the man knew
what he was doing, he knew the likes of her friends very well and he knew that
they would never turn down such invitation.
“So what do you say ladies?”
Within moments, she her two friends had transferred to Uche’s
table. Introductions were made, she
couldn’t stand the blatant flirtation of her friends any longer, and she longed
for escape. She longed for the peace and quiet of her home. She wished she
never came in the first place. She smiled as one of Uche’s friends put a
question to her. It was the one called Stanley, the guy was smooth and suave
and he knew it, she had watched him play flirtatious game with her friends like
they practiced it. Well she thought when you flirted a lot, you would know the
game so well, didn’t they say practice makes perfect. She watched knowing that
her friends were going to let these men take them home tonight, it was a
mistake waiting to happen and she was powerless to do anything about it. The girls were totally foolish to think that
they would be more than a one night stand to these guys, who reeked with wealth
and affluence.
“Uche told me you own a designer range”
She smiled at him and she watched with satisfaction as the smile
she gave him affected him. That should put him in his place. Not a bad place
judging from the fact he was a billionaire.
“Yes I do Nma collections”
“You have future plans, looking for investors?”
“Are you going to shut or do you want me to do the honors?” Uche
said to Stanley
Nma looked at Uche, surprised at the way he snapped at his
friends but Stanley seemed very amused by his angry outburst. And he said
nothing more but turned to his partner.
But no one was more surprised than Uche about his outburst. He
had grown tired and too jealous of his friends ogling her even though they had
two pretty girls between them.
“You are not drinking, your cup is still full” Nma didn’t think
he would notice. She didn’t take alcohol socially or otherwise, whenever she
was at a place where she had no choice, she left her glass the way it was
hoping nobody would notice.
“I don’t drink” she said to him
He looked surprised, “you don’t look the type”
“What type do I look like?”
Uche smiled, “Your friends don’t seem to share your belief, do
Nma knew that some of them had refilled their cups severally.
“I am not like them, I am sorry to say”
“Birds of the same feather”
“I guess this is one time that saying doesn’t apply”
“You don’t seem to be having a great time here”
“If I tell you that this is not my favorite pass time, you would
quote birds of the same feather again”
“No I wouldn’t honey”
Her breath caught her throat at the endearment; she tried not to
read too much into it, men like Uche found the use endearments very easy.
“What would you do then?”
He smiled, Nma looked at the smile suspiciously, and he smiled
like a trickster whose potential victim had succumbed to his charm.
“What do you say; we leave this place to another which would
suit the both of us well?”
“What place would that be” she asked him
“You choose” he threw it back at her.
Nma saw it as an opportunity to go home, she didn’t come with
her car and if there was a chance that he would take her home, she wouldn’t
mind at all.
“I would actually like to go home, if you don’t mind. I didn’t
come with my car”
He smiled. “Done already, let’s go” he stood up and they made
their excuses. The speed at which he agreed alarmed her, the smug smile on his
face was not comforting at all. She hoped he was actually going to take her
home and not play some trick on her. But the man didn’t look that desperate
that he would play such a dirty trick, and for what, she asked herself
confused; he only needed to snap his fingers and girls would come running to
With that conviction she sat beside Uche in his Hummer jeep, she
watched in awe the comfort he surrounded himself with. Boys to men, I’ll make
love to you wafted from the car CD player. At that moment the height of his
wealth dawned on her, she wondered what exactly he wanted from her. At first he
had said he wasn’t interested in a whirlwind romance with her but with each
passing minute she questioned if he was totally honest about what he wanted
from her. Right now it didn’t take a genius to know that the man was attracted
to her, she couldn’t help asking why. She was going to be careful with him,
though she was very attracted to him yet she knew that there was no future with
him. And she was not going to be another one of his conquest. She wasn’t that
kind of a girl, was that not the reason why she had not allowed any kind of
intimacy in her relationship with the opposite sex. She felt that intimacy in a
relationship was not the evidence of love but it was an act of love. So no
matter how much pressure she had received from her teeming admirers, she had
not shifted from her principles. And Uche was not going to become an exception.
Even though he was quite close to tempting her to give in and if there was a
man alive she wanted to know intimately it was him. But she was not going to
because she was different. She was not like her friends and he was not going to
make any mistake about that.
“You have grown very quiet”
“I am enjoying the music”
She didn’t realize her mistake till he spoke again.
“You are better off enjoying the real thing than a couple
promises over the stereo”
Nma knew that if she was a white woman, she would have blushed
to the roots of her hair.
“That wasn’t what I meant” she tried to make amends.
“I don’t see anything wrong with a woman who enjoys her own
She kept quiet because she didn’t know what else to say. She
didn’t think it was wise discussing such intimate matters with him. Already the
love songs coming from the CD player and the multiple lights from the numerous
buttons in the car had created a very romantic mood. She could feel herself
basking in the quiet promises of the artiste. She wished she had not asked him
for a ride home because right then the niggling thought returned and she wasn’t
sure anymore of what would happen when they got to her house and she wasn’t
sure if she had the energy and good sense to do the right thing.
“So what does your fiancé think of you going out alone?”
That brought her back to earth, she could have kissed him for
bringing Ken up, and it brought her back to reality.
“I was hardly alone” she replied him.
“Same difference, he wasn’t there”
“Ken is not the possessive type and he trusts me”
“When you are mine, I would never let you out in the night alone
or with some couple of girls too foolish for their own good”
“When I am yours? That is rich”
“Trust me babe, I always get what I want”
“Stop talking to me like I am some piece of property you want to
He laughed “Tell me are you not tempted just a little to find
out what it would feel like”
She turned sharply at him “To be owned by you?”
He laughed “Not as a property, but as a lover” he said the last
word so caressingly and she actually felt herself being tempted. But good sense
“No! I am not because I am not interested in playing some rich
man’s Barbie doll”
He laughed again “I like you, I like being with you honey and I
know you do too, only that you are too arrogant and proud to admit it”
“Better arrogance than stupidity”
“No wonder Ken is besotted, but I wonder how a man like Ken can
begin to cope with a fire brand like you. You need a real man, one who doesn’t
sit at your bark”
“Are you suggesting I am intimidating?”
“For some limbless man like Ken yes you would be”
He stopped the car in front of her house, and turned to her. He
stared at her, wishing he could take her home but at the same time knowing the
time was not right. He hadn’t seduced her enough.
Nma became a little fidgety, she was nervous and confused about
her feelings, and she couldn’t believe that she was disappointed that their
evening had come to an end. She wanted to prolong it by all means but she
wasn’t sure how.
“Well, thank you for bringing me home” she said and tried to
distract her jumping nerve by reaching for the door.
“It was the least I could do” he leaned forward and kissed her.
She melted into his body; and became giddy with the potent male scent that was
naturally his. Her hands circled his neck of their volition, she could feel her
heart pounding on her chest and she wondered if he could hear it. She felt her toes curl with a feeling she had
never experienced before.
Uche had kissed several women in the past that he thought all
women were the same. Here he was being proved wrong in the hands of another
woman. He had never wanted a woman as much as he wanted her. He had never given
this much to a woman before. He had never felt like he couldn't get close
enough to a woman. He wanted to go on kissing her. He wanted to have her in his
hands forever. He wished that it was possible to have her like this forever.
Shocked at his thought, he slowly released her; he could feel fear sip into his
body. He didn't want to have that kind of feeling for a woman. He didn’t want
to be emotionally dependent on a woman again. He had to leave, he had to get
away from her before he made a promise he would never keep. He smiled at her
and even smiled with an arrogant male satisfaction when he saw that she was
quite unsettled by his kiss.
“Good night” he said to as he pressed a button to unlock the
“Good night” she replied and quietly left the car. He watched as
she unlocked the door and walked in. When the lights came on, he reversed and
drove home. Half happy and half sad he was well aware that no promise was made.
She had wished him good night but to him it was goodbye, what he wanted was an
affair but in his mind he knew that a woman like Nma meant deeper commitment.
He was not ready for that.
Nma watched him drive away and she felt her heart sink because
she realized that she only wished him good night but he acted like he wished
her good bye. She sank to the nearest seat and had the greatest urge to cry.
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